Sitemap Self drive barge My first stay on a self drive barge Renting a river self drive barge Stopping at a port or river stop Suggested routes for the Rivers of Western France A weekend on the river in Anjou Four days by boat on the river Sarthe Itinerary for a week on the river Mayenne Pleasure boat Pleasure boat cruise on the Rivers of Western France Tour by traditional boat on the Rivers of Western France The nautical pastimes Canoeing-kayaking of the Rivers of Western France Enjoy yourself on the water There are plenty of things to do at a leisure centre Touring on a licence-free electric boat Things to do on land Accommodation by the water The Rivers of Western France by bike The must-see places Going for a walk along the Rivers of Western France Refresh yourself on the waterfront Pêche en rivière Agenda Blog Des vacances fluviales même en automne Les Rivières de l'Ouest vues par Prépare ta Valise Les Rivières de l'Ouest vues par Vanessa de "Le Blog Cash Pistache" Vacances en bateau : les astuces pour préserver nos rivières