Ski nautique 53, Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne

Enjoy yourself on the water


Would you like to try out recreational water sports on a river or lake? Be it stand-up paddleboarding, water skiing or foilboarding with electric controls: discover the many recreational water sports offered on the Rivers of Western France. 

Learning to stand-up paddleboard

A very popular sport in France, stand-up paddleboarders, paddle while standing upright on their boards. This calm activity can be picked up as easily as canoeing-kayaking and holds in store many enjoyable experiences. Some boards are suitable for two paddlers, with some giant boards even able to accommodate eight people! 

Whether calm or energetic, a session of stand-up paddleboarding usually lasts between 30 minutes and two hours according to your preferences and skill level. You can try out stand-up paddleboarding on a river, but also on other bodies of water such as the Maine lake or the Gémerie lake. This fun watercraft is suitable for children from 8 years of age. 


A tour by paddleboard

Discover the Sarthe Valley by stand-up paddleboard during a half-day long tour between Parcé and Juigné-sur-Sarthe. Discover the river from a new angle in the company of a sports instructor.



Terre Activ’, Fillé-sur-Sarthe

From waterskiing to wakeboarding

Fancy learning to water-ski? Being pulled along on the water by a motorboat is a lot of fun! Beginners might want to start by learning on two separate skis; however, the more experienced among you might like to try out wakeboarding. 

Fearless teens and adults can try out wakeboarding on the lake at Wake Paradise. Towed by a cable, you will get a kick out of navigating various obstacles such as ramps and jumps.


Skiing on the Mayenne is child’s play!

Get your children to try out water-skiing at “baby-ski”. Available for children as young as three years old, this introduction will allow your children to refresh themselves while also having a good time!



Ski nautique 53, Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne

Foilboarding, an electric surfboard

If you are looking for something new, try flying above the water on a foilboard! This board fitted with a carbon fibre foil and a removable electric battery allows speeds of up to 25km/h (15mph) to try your first tricks.

The foilboard is a genuine electric surfboard which is operated using a remote control allowing for silent acceleration. This is an ideal activity for a river or lake and can also be practiced lying down on one’s stomach or kneeling.


Learning to master foilboarding

Make your way to the foilboarding school in La Suze-sur-Sarthe for a first session on the board.
Kitted out with a neoprene suit or thermal clothing, a helmet, and a life vest, you will make your first attempts on the water under the watchful eye of an instructor in a boat who will stay in permanent radio contact with you. Ready to try out this adventure?


Aventure Nautique, Vallée de la Sarthe